Wearable Computers

This blog is to familiarize readers with a new emerging information technology.

March 24, 2010

Potential Advantages.

Wearable Computers have many advantages: the most common ones are the following.
=> flexibile
=>makes tasks easier.
=> time saver in addition to efficiency improvement of operations
=> quick to access at any time.
=> allow user to command and execute while doing other activities
Wearable computers provide constant interaction with the users. the device can be incorporated to the user to act like a prosthetic.

This technology is being adopted and recommended in many fields and industries:

  • Hospitals (used by surgeons)
  • Government ( used by the marines)
  • Engineers (when they are out of office)
  • Workers ( e.g. mining)

What are they replacing?

Researchers believe that few modifications are still needed to take place on actual wearable computers before having the potential to replace a long list of technologies highly used by our society. this list mainly consists of the following: cell phones, pager, PDA, GPS systems, and MP3 players. It is also important to note that wearable computers have also a strong potential to replace actual computers.



What are Wearable Computers?

As it’s named, this IT refers to computers that are worn by their users. In another way, a wearable computer is a body-worn or in clothing integrated IT. This technology offers hands- free maneuver completed using speech control. In addition, this technology uses a head or body-mounted display where users can retrieve data without blocking their field of view. The first wearable computer was conceived in 1955.

